Resources for Applications
NYSERDA and the NYS Electric Utilities have compiled a wide variety of resources to assist the NYS Clean Heat Participating Contractor Network. The clean heating and cooling solutions offered through NYS Clean Heat will help residents, small businesses, and commercial and multifamily building owners reduce their energy usage and cost.
Program Manual: CHG&E, NGrid, NYSEG, O&R, and RG&E (PDF)
Program Manual: Con Edison (PDF)
Additional resources are available on the Clean Heat Connect website. This is a network of distributors and manufacturers currently dedicated to expanding the adoption of air source heat pumps in homes across New York State. Clean Heat Connect does plan to expand into geothermal in the near future. Find distributor and manufacturer hosted trainings, learn about sales and marketing strategies, and explore resources from NYSERDA, NEEP and trusted partners.
Working Group Series
The NYS Clean Heat Working Group Series for Participating Contractors & Industry Partners is a regular meeting series for contractors and industry partners affiliated with NYS Clean Heat to join program representatives in addressing questions, program improvements, and other topics related to the Program.
Stakeholders are invited to submit program-related questions and feedback at any time to a centralized email inbox at Inquiries will be brought to the appropriate utilities and implementation contractors or compiled for discussion at the next Working Group Series meeting. If you would like to propose a topic for discussion at the next meeting, please fill out our Issue Template (PPTX) and submit it through this inbox at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
For project-specific inquiries, please reach out to or 844-212-7823. This is different from the email inbox above, which is for program-related inquiries.
Next Meeting(s):
- Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. ET | Meeting Link (Registration is required in advance)
Note: Webex will be used to host the meetings. For more information on using Webex, click here.
Resources from past meetings:
December 12, 2024
- Session 23 (2024.12.12) – Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Session 23 (2024.12.12) – Meeting Summary Report (PDF)
September 12, 2024
- Session 22 (2024.09.12) – Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Session 22 (2024.09.12) – Meeting Summary Report (PDF)
June 13, 2024
- Session 21 (06.13.24) – Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Session 21 (06.13.24) – Meeting Summary Report (PDF)
April 18, 2024
- Session 20 (04.18.24) – Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Session 20 (04.18.24) – Meeting Summary Report (PDF)
December 14, 2023
- Session 19 (12.14.23) – Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Session 19 (12.14.23) – Meeting Summary Report (PDF)
September 14, 2023
- Session 18 (9.14.23) – Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Session 18 (9.14.23) – Meeting Summary Report (PDF)
June 12, 2023
- Session 17 (6.12.23) – Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Session 17 (6.12.23) – Meeting Summary Report (PDF)
March 9, 2023
January 12, 2023
September 8, 2022
June 9, 2022
April 14, 2022
March 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
January 13, 2022
December 16, 2021
November 18, 2021
October 14, 2021
September 9, 2021
August 12, 2021
July 27, 2021
July 15, 2021
June 10, 2021
- Program Manual Updates for 7.1.21 (PDF)
- Session 2 (6.10.21) – Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Session 2 (6.10.21) – Meeting Notes (PDF)
May 13, 2021
Prescriptive (Small Projects)
- ENERGY STAR Specification and Product Finder — utility incentives require the installation of models that have earned the ENERGY STAR label. The ENERGY STAR website offers a searchable database for finding and comparing products.
NYS Clean Heat Prescriptive Categories Incentive Calculator
The tool is designed to help contractors determine heat pump system capacities at heating and cooling design temperatures, snow depth requirements for outdoor air source equipment, and utility project incentives under the appropriate incentive category: Category 1 for Part-Load air source heat pump systems with heating capacity <100% of building heating load (BHL), Category 2 for Full-Load air source heat pump (ASHP) systems with heating capacity ≥100% of BHL, or Category 3 for Full-Load ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems with heating capacity ≥100% of BHL. The tool has the following functionality:
- Returns recommended design heating and cooling temperatures, based on premise zip code. The user may enter alternative heating and cooling design temperatures, as long as these entries don’t deviate more than 5°F from the recommended temperatures returned by the tool.
- Returns snow depth guidance for outdoor equipment, based on premise zip code.
- Estimates the BTU/h capacity at design temperature for each heat pump in the system, based on heating and cooling capacities listed on NEEP eligible product information sheets for ASHPs; from AHRI certificates for GSHPs; or, if approved by program administrator, from alternative manufacturer engineering documents, if accurate NEEP or AHRI documentation is not available.
- Determines Category 1, 2 or 3 eligibility, based on heating capacity ratio relative to entered building heating load (BHL), and calculates the base utility incentive for the eligible category (the tool does not calculate temporary utility bonuses or seasonal specials).
- Eligible vs. Ineligible (PDF) — Is my project eligible? Frequently asked about, and commonly found scenarios that answer eligibility and ineligibility questions for NYS Clean Heat projects.
- Design Temperature Lookup Tool (XLSX) — This tool provides the design temperature reference by zip code.
- Guidance for Acceptable Load Calculations (DOCX) — This document provides guidance on how to perform heating and cooling load calculations for applications to the New York State Clean Heat Program. Load calculations are required for all applications for Clean Heat incentives and are subject to review by the Program Administrators. Participating Contractors who choose to perform load calculations that do not meet the criteria outlined in this document may be asked to provide written justification and their projects may be subject to additional review.
Air Source Heat Pump
- Clean Heat Project Tracker (PDF) — Project management tool that outlines the process-flow for a NYS Clean Project from start to finish. Utilize the checklist on every project to stay organized, maintain accountability and find program resources.
- Integrated Controls Eligibility (PDF)
- Integrated Controls Qualified Product List (PDF)
- Air to Water Heat Pump Eligibility and Qualified Products (PDF)
- Decommissioning Checklist: CHG&E, NGRID, NYSEG, O&R and RG&E (PDF)
- Decommissioning Checklist: Con Edison Residential (PDF)
- Decommissioning Checklist: Con Edison Non-residential (PDF): English | Chinese | Spanish
- Decommissioning Checklist: Con Edison Non-Residential Effective 5/1/2025 (PDF)
- Con Edison Leaving Oil Tanks When Switching to Heat Pumps (PDF)
- Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) Resources — valuable resources developed by NEEP that should referenced when looking to install a cold climate ASHP:
Ground Source Heat Pump
- Clean Heat Project Tracker (PDF) — Project management tool that outlines the process-flow for a NYS Clean Project from start to finish. Utilize the checklist on every project to stay organized, maintain accountability and find program resources.
- Decommissioning Checklist: Con Edison Residential (PDF)
- Decommissioning Checklist: Con Edison Non-residential (PDF): English | Chinese | Spanish
- Decommissioning Checklist: Con Edison Non-Residential Effective 5/1/2025 (PDF)
- Con Edison Leaving Oil Tanks When Switching to Heat Pumps (PDF)
- GSHP Startup Checklist Template CHG&E, NGRID, NYSEG, O&R, and RG&E — Approved example and template for Startup and Checkout Procedure of Geothermal Systems. This template, or a similar document, is required with your rebate application.
- International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) — Residential and Light Commercial Design and Installation Manual — this manual is the latest and most comprehensive textbook available for the design and installation of residential and light commercial GSHP systems. Numerous illustrations, charts, diagrams, and tables support and expand the informative text. The manual is available for purchase on the IGSHPA website.
Custom (Large Projects)
- Decommissioning Checklist: Con Edison Residential (PDF)
- Decommissioning Checklist: Con Edison Non-residential (PDF): English | Chinese | Spanish
- Infiltration Guidance for Buildings at Design Conditions (PDF) — recommends what levels of air tightness (infiltration) may be used for design heating load calculations for custom heat pump projects under the NYS Clean Heat program. Infiltration loads are often misunderstood and overstated, and are a key aspect of predicting design loads, therefore properly predicting heat pump energy savings in the custom program.
- Category 6 Energy Calculations Guidance on Hot Water Use and Other Assumptions (PDF)
- Design Temperature Lookup Tool (XLSX) — This tool provides the design temperature reference by zip code.
- Guidance for Acceptable Load Calculations (DOCX) — This document provides guidance on how to perform heating and cooling load calculations for applications to the New York State Clean Heat Program. Load calculations are required for all applications for Clean Heat incentives and are subject to review by the Program Administrators. Participating Contractors who choose to perform load calculations that do not meet the criteria outlined in this document may be asked to provide written justification and their projects may be subject to additional review.
Statewide CHP Custom Calculator v3.4c
this tool assists NYS Clean Heat Participating Contractors with calculating custom energy savings for projects that involve the installation of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) cold climate single package, cold climate mini-split air source heat pumps, large unitary air-to-air heat pumps, air source variable refrigerant flow (VRF) heat pumps, and large closed ground loop heat pumps with centralized pumping.
A Clean Heat Calculator User Guide (PDF) with instructions on how to fill in the Clean Heat Calculator is available.
- Version 3.4c of the tool is effective December 20, 2024, and all projects that have not received a Preliminary Offer Letter (POL) before this date are subject to Version 3.4c and subsequent released versions.
Category 6 Domestic Hot Water Calculator v3.2e (XLSX)
Excel based tool to assist participating contractors applying to the NYS Clean Heat Program with calculating custom energy savings and incentives for Domestic Hot Water Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH) – Air Source technologies.
A Domestic Hot Water Calculator Guide v3.2 (PDF) with instructions on how to fill in the Domestic Hot Water Calculator is available.
- Version 3.2e of the tool is effective February 25, 2025, and all projects that have not received a Preliminary Offer Letter (POL) before this date are subject to Version 3.2e and subsequent released versions.
Statewide HRC_HPC Calculator v1.2.1 (XLSX)
This calculator is to be used for water-source electrically operated Heat Recovery Chiller(s) that operate to meet year-round hot water (HW) and chilled water (CHW) loads. The calculator may also be used for Heat Pump Chillers (HPC) where the heat sink or source is outside of the building (i.e. air source of hot or cold water for the building). HPCs provide either heating or cooling but not both at the same time. A HRC Calculator User Guide v1.2 with instructions on how to fill in the HRC Calculator is available.
- Version 1.2.1 of the tool is effective December 20, 2024, and all projects that have not received a Preliminary Offer Letter (POL) before this date are subject to Version 1.2 and subsequent released versions.