What is your home type?
An apartment is typically a single floor unit, such as a rental unit or condominium, usually within a multifamily building or other housing complex, and may share a ceiling, floor, and/or walls with neighboring homes.
A townhome is typically a single-family home with two or more floors that shares at least one wall with its neighboring home.
Sometimes referred to as a mobile home, a manufactured home is prefabricated in a factory with a permanently attached chassis used to transport it to the home’s location. Manufactured homes typically do not have a basement and may or may not be attached to a permanent foundation.
This is a standalone, single-family home built on a permanent foundation. These homes may have an attic or crawlspace, but no second floor.
This is a standalone, single-family home built on a permanent foundation with a second floor. These homes may have an attic or attic crawlspace.