Cold-Climate Heat Pump Benefits
Using oil, propane, gas, or electric resistance to heat and cool your home?
Today’s cold-climate heat pumps are a smarter, more efficient option to keep your home comfortable all year long. These all-in-one heating and air conditioning systems are environmentally friendly, extremely efficient, and affordable to operate.
Real Stories from New Yorkers
Hear Seth’s story, a Coxsackie, NY homeowner who installed heat pumps in 2017. Seth has reduced his family’s reliance on fuel oil (a fossil fuel) and saved money on his energy costs. He describes the heat pump installation process and what life has been like since his installation.
Hear Tina’s story, an energy conscious teacher who is no longer reliant on fossil fuels and has reduced her carbon footprint. Tina subscribes to community solar, switched her gas furnace to a heat pump system, and her gas water heater to a solar-assisted heat pump water heater. She now has comfortable heating and cooling all in one system and has improved her health and safety by removing the gas line coming into her house.
The Benefits of Heat Pumps
Dual Heating and Cooling: Heat pumps are designed to work efficiently in cold climates like New York — while also doubling as a cooling system in the summer.
Efficiency: The cost of heating and cooling your home with a heat pump is typically less than oil, propane, or electric resistance.
Zoned Temperature Control: With heat pumps, you can individually control the heating and cooling preferences of different rooms in your home.
Cleaner and Safer: There is no combustion of fossil fuels, fuel storage, or carbon monoxide emissions associated with heat pumps. Heat pumps also have the lowest carbon emissions of any heating source.
Easier: Heat pumps require minimal maintenance and eliminate the hassle of scheduling fuel deliveries and worrying about fluctuating fuel costs. Additionally, you won’t have to struggle with installing room/window A/Cs every spring and then removing them every fall.
Discover what type of heat pump is right for you.
Did you know that solar and heat pumps are the perfect pair? Read more about the benefits of pairing solar with a cold-climate heat pump.